My Top 5 Choice of Episodes:

Sim Sammy
This is my favorite episode. I like the whole part where he makes fun of his
friends and doesn't realize it. In a way though the game was realistic in the
way that it portayed Otto and Twister. Sometimes Otto can be absorbed with
himself, and Twister has done a couple of the things that he did in the game.
The one about Reggie wasn't that great though.

'Zine Dreams
I love this one. I didn't like the taunting that Otto and Twister did to Reggie.
I did, however, like how she got back at them. They totally deserved. When
Lars was showing the Zine to everyone, I thought that was cruel. I liked that
everything went back to normal, though.

Channel Surfing
Think this one has all the good qualities an episode needs to be good. There is
some comedy, drama (I like one sceneone scene in particular where Twister is
drowning and Reggie saves him), etc. All in all this episode is well rounded and
has a great message: don't surf near big boats!

Here's the Twist
This episode is chocked full of laughs! I liked where Reggie put pudding in some
some helmets that Sammy and Otto put on. I also like Sammy's joke, where Twister
and Otto are on stage when Sammy made it sound like they "passed gas". All
in all, I love to watch this episode over and over...

Twister's Hat
This is a very good episode. There is some comedy, drama, and a little history in
it. Plus, you get to see Twister without his hat for more than a brief moment. I also
like the fact that you get to see more of his family in the brief "where he got
the hat" moment. It is also funny when he finds his hat again.