Name: Regina (Reggie, she hates Regina) Rocket
Family info: She has a brother, Otto, and a father, Raymundo, that she
lives with. No mother that we know of (though you have to wonder, who
is their mother, and what happened to her?).
Age: She is at least 1-2 years older than Otto, The show first airs with
her being 10-11 years of age.
Attitude: She is the one in the group who usually argues with Otto
and Twister on what they should and shouldn't do. She likes to boss
people around, even though she won't admit to it.
Hobbies: Rollerblading, Skateboarding, Surfing, and Snowboarding, and
publishing her Zine.
Other info: She and Sammy stick together, they both are good with
computers, together Sammy and Reggie make her 'zine on their computers.
She also goes by "Reg" with friends and family.

Full picture of Reggie

Reggie doing a kick flip.