Mistakes in Rocket Power:
1. Have you ever noticed sometimes when Otto takes his sunglasses off he
has eyebrows, and other times not? Well, it is most noticeable in Race
Across New Zealand. When he first takes off his helmet after the bike race,
he has them. Then he puts on his sunglasses. A few moments later he
lowers the sunglasses, but the weird thing is, he has no eyebrows when he
does this!
2. In early episodes, Sammy doesn't wear a helmet during hockey!
3. In the Safety Patrol Sam episode, towards the end, the gang is telling Sam
to signal and stuff, but he isn't even wearing blades!
4. Have you ever noticed that when Otto's board is broken that in the next
episode it is back to normal? Weird huh?
5. In The Rocket Power movie, when they are going down the hill in the zorbs,
there is a scene where one of the Rocket team is in a purple zorb instead of
a blue one.
6. Ever notice how Twister's hat is taken by a "mutant goat" and is never
recovered on the show, but he has it in the next episode? It seems weird
to me...
7. Ever notice the story about how he got the hat doesn't match an earlier
episode where he is wearing another hat when Twister talks about he has
been taunted by his brother? In it, the first clips show him in another hat.
In the more recent episode "Twister's Hat", he first gets his first hat from
his mom. Weird, huh?