This page contains the lingo the group uses. To see the lingo
the group made up, click here! I hope
you get use of this page, it sure helped me!

AERIAL-(Surfing) When the wave your riding sends your board
above it into the air.

AGGRO-(General) Getting aggressive. "Don't get aggro with me, Twister!"

ALLEY-OOP-(Snowboarding & Surfing) Turning 180 degrees in the
air in an uphill direction.

AS IF!-(General) Yeah right. What you say when there is absolutely
no chance of a particular event EVER happening.

ATE IT-(General) Bit the dust. Crashed. Smashed. Blew it.

AWESOME-(General) Cool. Gnarly. Wonderful. Great job.

BAIL-(General) To escape, leave or disband when the situation
calls for immediate retreat.
BACKSIDE-(Surf/Skate/Snow) Turns or rotations in the direction
your toes point towards, so that your back is facing the outside
of the arc.

BACKSIDE AIR-(Surf/Skate/Snow) Getting up in the air with your
back to the wave, ramp or wall

BACKWARDS STEAMROLLER-(Bike riding) Riding a bike backwards
(bars facing the rider) on the front wheel as the back wheel is
up in the air.

BEACHMOBILE-(Surfing) Any car, van or sport utility vehicle
covered in surf stickers, carrying surfboards, body-boards and wet
suits, or otherwise driven for the sole purpose of getting to and
from the beach.

BEEF-(General) A problem with someone. (Surfing) Wiping out. (Food)
The stuff in hamburgers.

BEAT-(General) Messed up. "It's a pretty beat day."

BLASTED-(Surfing) Wiping out.

BLINDSIDE-(Snowboarding) A term to describe a maneuver where
visibility is limited or restrained.

BODY CHECK-(Hockey) Use of the body to slow or stop an opponent
with the puck.

BOGUS-(General) Fake. Wrong. Lame.

BONK-(Snowboarding) To hit an object with your board.

BUMMER-(General) Disappointment. Buzz kill. Huge let down.

BUSTED-(General) Caught red handed.

CABALLERIAL-(Skateboarding) A halfpipe trick which begins
fakie, spins 360 degrees and lands riding forward.

CA-CHING!-(General) Getting shown the money.

CHANGING ON THE FLY-(Hockey) When players switch with fresh
players on the bench while the game is going on.

CORKSCREW-(Snowboarding) Any air rotation that is off-axis.

CRITICAL SECTION-(Surfing) The hardest and most challenging
part of the wave to surf.

DA BOMB-(General) The best, really great.

DECADE-(Bike riding) Jumping around the front wheel of a bike
while riding it as it is up in the air.

EGGPLANT -(Snowboarding) A one handed 180 degree backside rotated
invert in which the front hand is planted on the lip of the halfpipe
wall. (from the Snowboarder lingo page)

EL ROLLO-(Body boarding/Skateboarding) Doing a 360 roll with the lip
of the wave.

FAKIE-(Snowboarding) Riding backwards.

FIREHYDRANT-(Bike riding) To turn your body around on a bike while
riding it and then turn the bike around as well.

FLAIL-(General) Loss of all control. To spazz out.

FLIPS-(Skateboarding) Hard flips, Heel flips, Kick flips, Nollie kick
flips, 360 flip, Varials.

FRONTSIDE-(Skateboarding/Surfing/Snowboarding) Turns or rotations
in the direction your heels point towards, so that your front is
facing towards the outside of the arc.

GNARLY-(General)-Heavy, intense

GOOFY FOOTED-(Skateboarding/Surfing/Snowboarding) Riding with the
right foot in forward position.

GRIND-(Skateboarding) Sliding along the edge of a wall or other
object with the trucks of your board.

GROMMET-(Surfing) A young surfer.

GROUND SWELL-(Surfing) Long, parallel lines of waves that originate
far from shore.
HALFPIPE-(Snowboarding/Skateboarding) A wooden ramp built for skating

HEEL FLIP-(Skateboarding) Flipping the board with the heel of the foot
while doing an ollie

INFINITY ROLLS-(Bike riding) Spinning in circles using the momentum of
your feet off the back pegs of your bike.

INVERTED AERIALS (Skateboarding/Surfing/Snowboarding) Airborne and upside down.

KICKFLIP OLLIE-(Skateboarding) Flip initiated by toes giving the board
a quick kick.

KOOK-(Surfing) Dork. Beginner surfer

LAME-(General) Weak. Bad. Bland.

LATER!-(General) See ya. Goodbye. Hasta La Vista.

LEASH-(Surfing) The cord that keeps you attached to your board.

LIP-(Surf):The crest of the wave. (Skate): The sloping on a ramp or
bowl. (Snowboarding): The edge of a slope or wall.

LIPSLIDE-(Skateboarding)Sliding your board on the lip of the ramp.

LULL-(Surfing) The time between rideable waves.

MCTWIST-(Skateboarding/Snowboarding) An inverted aerial with a 540
degree rotational flip.

NOLLIE KICKFLIP-(Skateboarding) Ollie off the nose of the skateboard.

NOSE-(Skateboarding) The front of the board.

OLLIE-(Skateboarding) Catching air by popping the tail and kicking the nose.

POSER-(General) Someone who tries to hard to be what they're not.
Also spelled "Poseur".

ROCKWALK-(Bike riding) Using your back wheel to spin in 180 degree cycles.

SAVE-(Hockey) A shot blocked by the goalie which would have gone into
the net if not stopped.

720 AIR-(Skateboarding/Snowboarding) Doing a 720 degree rotation in
the air and landing forwards.

SHOOBIES-(Beach lingo) Tourists and beach newcomers that spoil the waves
for the locals. See also: Kook
SICK-(Surfing/Snowboarding) Really great.

SPIN CYCLE-(Surfing) Wiping out and getting thrashed underwater until
you don't know which way is up.

SQUID-(General) A newbie. A beginner. See also: Sam Dullard

STICK-(Snowboarding, Skateboarding, Surfing) Your board.

STOKED-(General) Really happy. Excited.

TAIL-(Skateboarding) The back of the skateboard.

TAILWHIP-(Bike riding) Spinning the back of your bike counter-clockwise
as the front wheel remains motionless.

THRASHED-(General) Pooped. Exhausted. Damaged.

WACKED-(General) Messed up.

WHOA!-(General) Wow!

WIPE OUT-(Surfing) What happens when the wave gets the best of you. To
get blasted, drilled, bullwinkled, nailed, to eat foam, to get rag-dolled,
railed or pounded. To fall off your board while riding a wave.

YARR-(General) Hey there.