Ron Stoppable, Twister Rodriguez, and the Giant Monkeys!!!

Mara here, I thought this idea unique, so I am sharing this with all! I love both Rocket Power and Kim Possible, and I noticed that both Twister and Ron had something in common: They have a fear of monkeys!

Ron's fear starts way back when he went to Camp Wannaweep, where he was bunked with the camp mascot. Let's just say that experience was not fullfilling. His least favorite villain would probably be Lord Montie Fisque, AKA Monkeyfist, as he is always telling his ninja monkeys to go after Ron. Poor Ron;).

I don't really know where exactly Twister's fear began, but I know that it showed itself when Otto Broke his leg. Twister, Reggie, and Sam are trying to figure a way to tell Rocket Boy that he can't play street hockey until his leg heals. Sam starts it with saying about m Giant Monkeys attack Earth, yada yada yada.... and after he says this, Twister says,"GIANT MONKEYS!!! AAHHH!!!", and he takes off running. After that, any time someone says "giant monkeys" he takes off!

Here is a conversation between Twister and Ron, plus some more...

Ron: Hi kid, do you have a fear of monkeys?
Twist: Name's Twister, and yes, giant monkeys.
Ron: Fine, Twister. giant monkeys?
Twist: GIANT MONKEYS!?!?! AHHH!!! (starts to run)
Ron: Hey wait! I didn't mean...
(Marco, in gorilla morph, puts his hands on a shoulder of each of Ron and Twister)
Marco: < You guys have got to get a grip... >
(Ron, turns his head to see Marco)
(Twister also turns his head to see Marco)
Twist: AHHH!!!! GIANT MONKEY!!!!!!
(Both take off, leaving Marco to wonder what was wrong with those two...)
(Marco demorphs, and calls after them...)
Marco: It was just me! I was in morph! I thought you two were the enemy!!! Wait, COME BACK!!!
(Marco follows them...)
