Rocket Power: Reggie and Twister
For all of you Twist/Reggie fans, this page is for you. There are
just a few pictures, now, but I intend to add as I scan more images.
Let me know if you like these. I put a lot of work (yeah, 15 minutes
to draw, and an hour to get it on the PC), so don't flame me with evil
comments. I hope you enjoy, and come back soon!
Dreaming of Twist
Reggie daydream of Twister as Twist watches.
Reggie and Twister ar frightened. This reminds me of a scene from one
of the stories I am writing. That is the inspiration for this one.
Reggie daydreams as Twist watches.
At The Beach...
Reggie and Twister are at the beach. Not much else...
Reggie and Twister being cute together. What else can I say?:)
Reggie and Twister hold hands. Really cute.
They Like Each Other!
The sit, hand inclosed by the other's as they do such.
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